What a Mother of a Cancer Warrior Feels?
I was scrolling facebook before sleeping. I saw a post from my mom’s college friend saying “Our Two Miracles”. Curiously, I clicked and checked out the profile. I saw several post about her son’s chemotherapy who was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the skeletal muscles that forms into tumors. Being a mother who has been diagnosed also with Leukemia (cancer of the blood), felt overly sad and tears broke into my eyes. I felt the same way she feel. I never let my daughter saw me crying and how sad I am because I want her to feel that we are strong and we can do this together. Having a cancer patient in the family is already devastating, how much more if you knew it was both your kids has cancer? Yes, both of her kids has cancer and under going treatments. And that made me cry even more. I felt the pain in her heart being a mother. She said, “How can I give up if my two kids are both fighting to live”. I cannot imagine the agony they are experiencing as a couple bit still their faith in God is strong.
I realized how each one of us responds to complications of life. Some people give up in petty things not realizing there are those who
stands firm to their faith despite the most difficult time of their life and keeps fighting till the end.
There is no impossible with God. So whoever reads this, kindly pray for all the kids who have cancer because they still have dreams to fulfil.
I want also to take the opportunity to say “THANK YOU SO MUCH!” deep in our hearts for shedding hope for our dear Deonne. Your Prayers and Financial Support are so much appreciated. She wouldn’t be as positive as she is now without you all. We cannot do this alone and we thank God for blessing us with people who are always there to help even without asking. Someday we will be able to give back all the help we receive by helping others as well.
Thank you Lord!
God bless us all!
#stillinafight #savedbyjesus
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